Future Fens: Integrated Adaptation
The project is taking place on the landscape scale, covering the Fenland region. The entire landscape is below 6m AOD, and contains 17,000 flood risk and water level management assets.
Facing the challenges of sea-level rise, drought, and flood risk, the Fens are the most vulnerable area of the UK to climate change. To help adapt our environment and communities to this growing threat, FF:IA is working with 70+ stakeholder organisations who provide a variety of expertise and priorities. This affords the group a unique ability to holistically assess what this landscape requires. Consequently, FF:IA understands that nature recovery is intricately related to health, transport, socioeconomic development etc., and so our method to recovery is not a siloed approach.
An example of this cross-disciplinary method is the Transition Lab, which will align economic development with nature recovery. Currently in its’ early stages, this specific work will open the opportunity for private investment to directly establish landscape scale transformations. This is a pioneering approach to delivering green infrastructure and nature recovery, that has not yet been achieved elsewhere in England.
- c.£1.3 million of funding has been secured by FF:IA so far
- 70+ organisations are involved
More about the project can be found here: www.awinnovationhub.co.uk/project/future-fens-integrated-adaptation-ffia/