Government guidelines for Local Nature Recovery Strategies published

Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a key component of the Environment Act 2021. Their aim is to set out how to deliver nature recovery across England; to help planning authorities incorporate nature recovery objectives; to support the delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain; and to help deliver our national environmental targets.

The LNRS responsible authority (RA) for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, which has contracted the responsibility to develop the LNRS to Cambridgeshire County Council, working in partnership with Natural Cambridgeshire. Together, taking an evidence-based approach, we will work with partners across the county to secure cross-sectoral support, build a shared vision for nature recovery, seek to embed that vision into local policies and identify the barriers and opportunities to mobilise action for nature across our area.

Further to an initial scoping exercise in late 2022/early 2023, from April 2023 Natural Cambridgeshire working with Cambridgeshire County Council will be convening partners and communities to help to shape and develop the LNRS for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. We look forward to engaging with all of our stakeholders further then.

The Guidance and Regulations for LNRS were published by Defra on 23 March 2023.  This summary factsheet which includes links to the official documents is a quick and easy read (2 minutes), or alternatively go straight to the official documents here: The Environment (Local Nature Recovery Strategies) (Procedure) Regulations 2023, and Local Nature Recovery Strategy Statutory Guidance.