Natural Cambridgeshire business plan
Natural Cambridgeshire are pleased to announce the launch of our new business plan, kindly supported with a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. It sets out and ambition and realistic plan for improving the natural environment of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough for the next three years.
We want to see “a Cambridgeshire that has the highest quality of life, because we place nature at the heart of our agenda. A Cambridgeshire which appreciates that to prosper people need a high quality environment in which nature thrives alongside jobs and housing.”
The business plan for the Natural Cambridgeshire:
- draws agreed direction and preferred options from the Board workshop
- sets out the organisation’s governance arrangements
- relates the activities to the outcomes and Vision the LNP is aiming to achieve and meeting clear customer needs
- sets out a single LNP work programme that aligns existing work streams with HLF funded work outcomes, using the remaining HLF funding efficiently and gaining best value
- focuses on communication, marketing and funding requirements, and
- identifies ways for monitoring and measuring success, through qualitative and quantitative indicators, specifying outputs, outcomes and impacts.
Photo credit: eBike Shed Ltd